01 aprile 2006

WOW Bolivia!

Day 29
Uyuni, Bolivia

Sunday morning, ready to start the 3 day tour into the Salar de Uyuni; an Irish girl who is supposed to join the group begins to feel sick vomiting several times; her friend gets an injection from the chemist: bad idea, as she is allergic to that injection the poor girl starts to find loads of difficulty in breathing properly. She is choking and stifling... Panic! Fast, fast, call the chemist, get a nurse address, find the only doctor in town, bring the girl to the hospital (thanks God there's an hospital), tell the doctor (in Spanish) what's just happened... After three hours she's feeling better in spite of having had food intoxication, altitud sickness and an anaphylactic shock.

Monday morning, now we are really ready to explore the southwest of Bolivia: over 3,600 meters above the sea level, with a vast extension of 10,582 Km2, lies the brightest spot visible from space: the one and only Salar de Uyuni.
Another planet to discover, the largest white desert in the world seems to expand itself until it blends with the sky. It keeps in its territory natural wonders such as the fascinating coloured lagoons, exotic rocky formations, diversity of animals strolling in their own intact natural environment, volcanic craters and fumaroles that emit spouts of gas and superheated steam reaching up to 100 meters in height.

This semi-deserted region and the surrounding volcanic mountains, exhibit a landscape of extraordinary natural beauty. The first day ventures firstly to Cochani, an area of the salt flats where ice cold healing water bubbles through the salt originating from an underground river caused by Tunupa volcano. The trip is then made over the seeminglessly endless expanse of the Salar; the second day involves moving through the desert of Siloli, an area of true zen like tranquility. Here I saw the famous Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree); from here into Laguna Colorada Park; this lake measures 52 Km in circumference and glows red in the day light with a huge chunk of Borax and something like 30,000 resident flamingos. Day three takes first of all to some natural geisers; feel free to touch the steam but don't breath it in unless you like sulphur! The next stop is the hot springs where it's possible to take a dip to warm your soul naturally. Drink coffee immersed in the springs, overlooking the Laguna Challviri, not such a bad life! Then the day involves a longish drive back to Uyuni through startling scenery, where on route you will get to see a Borax refinery and also the amazing train graveyard just outside of Uyuni itself.
After all this I'm back in town incredibly tired but with hundreds of pictures and memories of one of the most stunning place I've ever seen!


At 01 aprile, 2006 13:21, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Hi love,
I am breathless!!! Fantastic photos, a stunning place indeed, high level description, very good English...wow! and, most important, you look in great shape.Your blow-by-blow description is very impressive and you make us deeply feel part of your adventure.

We miss you but are with you every

At 01 aprile, 2006 18:52, Anonymous Anonimo said...


At 01 aprile, 2006 19:51, Anonymous Anonimo said...

io non capisco un tubo se scrivi in inglese... uffaaaaaaa

At 02 aprile, 2006 21:58, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Ciao Marco,
stupendo !! ...ma anche io preferisco se scrivi in italiano altrimenti mi sembra di essere in ufficio ... e non è bello. Il tuo viaggio è sempre più affascinante. Per non smentire la tradizione "nomade" della famiglia Massensini ti devo fare un annuncio ma personale quindi ...vai a leggere le tue email.

Lucry ha commentato:" ma con tutto quel sale si può cucinare una montagna di pastasciutta ..che fortunato che è"

At 03 aprile, 2006 12:17, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Fantastico!! Cazzo che posto!!
comunque le foto sono bellissime. Quella con gli amici in padella è geniale... Vai mitico approvo anche la grande barba da Tiziano Terzani, anche se alla tua Chiara non piace tanto... Carlito

At 03 aprile, 2006 17:13, Anonymous Anonimo said...

non vale scannerizzare le cartoline ritoccate per farci essere ancora più gelosi...

At 03 aprile, 2006 19:12, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Non resisti mai ad un tuffo in acqua, eh? Continua così!!

At 04 aprile, 2006 05:15, Anonymous Anonimo said...

grandma betty said...
Wow! You leave me speechless...Glad you are using English..What a marvelous time you are having...I admire your courage to attempt such an adventure...I will be checking in periodically to follow your progress.

At 04 aprile, 2006 05:22, Anonymous Anonimo said...

grandma betty said...
Bravo Marco...
I look forward to more about your round the world trip...Photos are wonderful...Glad you are using English... Now I can understand the great experiences you are having...Oh! How I envy you....

At 04 aprile, 2006 09:40, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Sono contenta che anche nonna Betty dagli USA ti segua. Non sapevo se l'avevi informata. Ieri le ho scritto,per lei novantenne e appassionata di computer sarà bellissimo seguirti. Baci

At 04 aprile, 2006 10:08, Anonymous Anonimo said...

In che posto da sogno sei????? aiutooooooo, come faccio a proseguire coi miei disegnini di case?! che crudeltà...!
grande Marco, un abbraccio

At 05 aprile, 2006 11:28, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Io, Michela e Chiara abbiamo deciso di comune accordo che "dovresti" dare una spuntatina alla barba da Tom Hanks in Cast away. La mia preoccupazione è solo l'abbronzatura non uniforme....Immagino che sia anche la tua di preoccupazione, eh già?!?
Un abbraccio

At 05 aprile, 2006 11:51, Anonymous Anonimo said...

La foto con gli amici in padella è geniale...manca solo la tua con l'acqua levissima! Continua così Messner!

At 06 aprile, 2006 11:21, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Concordo pienamente con l'amico Spedino!!!

At 15 settembre, 2006 15:32, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Ma come hai fatto a rimpicciolire i tuoi amici?
Sei uno sciamanal


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